Chris Cyrille

Poet, art critic and independent exhibitionteller, Chris Cyrille studied philosophy & art theory at the University Paris 8 (FR). Research fellow at the Centre Pompidou (FR) in 2018-20, he writes for a number of French publications. Winner of the Dauphine prize for Contemporary Art in 2017, young Curator Prize of Jeune Création 69th ed., AICA prize in 2020, ADIAF Emergence and Cnap Curatorial Grants in 2022, he curated in 2021 the exhibition “–But the World is a Mangrovity.”, for which he is publication co-director of the associated book (Rotolux Press, 2023) along with researcher Sarah Matia Pasqualetti. Former resident of both Villa Medicis Rome (IT) and Villa Romana Florence (IT) for research projects, he is a Member of the UNESCO’s Scientific Committee dedicated to the “Routes of Enslaved Peoples: Resistance, Liberty and Heritage”. He is currently in residency at the Ateliers Médicis (FR), and has been teaching theory at École Supérieure d’art Clermont Métropole (FR) since 2022. Preparing his doctorate in philosophy following a preparatory year at the EHESS, his research addresses the Caribbean’s art scene, and the concept of Relation based on the Caribbean library. He has published a number of articles in different catalogues including Memoria: récits d’une autre Histoire, Paris, Actes Sud, 2021; Possédé·e·s – Déviance, performance, résistance, Paris, Silvana, 2020; O Quilombismo – Reader, Berlin, Archive Books, 2023.

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