Mathieu Glissant

Son of poet-philosopher Édouard Glissant, Mathieu Glissant is a filmmaker and artistic director for Cercle. He holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree in film aesthetics and a dual degree in philosophy and art history from Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne (FR). He devoted a documentary to his father, ‘Edouard Glissant, La créolisation du monde’, made for France 5 with Yves Billy. In 2021, he directed the documentary ‘Frantz Fanon, trajectoire d’un révolté’, with Audrey Maurion; the film traces the history of the psychiatrist and revolutionary thinker of decolonization, as well as the impact of his literary works. His first short fiction film, ‘Brûlé Neige’ (2021), with actors Alex Descas and Sohée Monthieux, is shot in Martinique. His second short film, “Nice Human”, with actor Bilel Chegrani, is shot in Aubervilliers, a town he has called home for several years. Mathieu Glissant is currently completing his latest documentary, ‘Vichy Colonies’, for France Télévision.

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